Seeking experienced Midwest beekeepers


The Midwest Master Beekeeping Program (MMBP) is looking for experienced beekeepers  to serve as mentors and instructors (>=7 to teach, >= 3 to mentor) to program participants that are relatively new to beekeeping. These experienced individuals will be compensated in one of two ways: either with volunteer hours towards certification or with compensation as a paid independent contractor to the Midwest Master Beekeeper Program ($20/hour).  Volunteers and Paid Contractors receive reimbursement for mileage, per diem, and overnight room if > 2 hour travel time. Feel free to advertise your own association to these participants.

We need individuals who can work either one Saturday or evenings twice a week for a class. You will be representing the Midwest Master Beekeeper Program as an advocate for the protection of honeybees.

If you are interested, please contact the MMBP director, Dr. Moneen Jones (, 573-281-1272), to discuss your opportunities as an instructor.

*An individual cannot concurrently be a paid consultant and a participant in the certification program.