MCHF provided $600 to help offset costs of two youth hunting clinics and hunts in Lincoln County. On September 4, 2010, approximately 30 youth hunters, mentors, Hunter Education instructors and Missouri Department of Conservation staff participated in the first of these events, held in cooperation with the Cuivre River Wildlife Management Association. The association is a local cooperative organization of conservation-minded landowners in western Lincoln County, whose goal is to manage private land for better quality deer and upland game.
The clinic portion of the event was held at William R. Logan Conservation Area shooting range, and featured three stations: 1) regulations, 2) hunting strategies and safety and 3) shotgun shooting. “The group enjoyed a picnic lunch on the area and the participants were grateful to MCHF for providing funding to pay for the food and drinks,” said Kevin Eulinger, Lincoln County Conservation Agent. said Eulinger.
Following the clinic, the kids headed to William G. and Erma Parke White Memorial Wildlife Area and participated in a drawing to hunt doves on managed sunflower fields specifically reserved for the youth hunters. Eulinger noted, “Every hunter had shooting opportunities and a few lucky ones came home with doves for the dinner table.”
The second event will be a youth deer hunting clinic for up to 25 youth age 6-15 and their mentors.