We need your help!
Volunteers are critical to the success of the Missouri National Archery in the Schools Program (MoNASP) State Championship.
Here are all the ways you can help! Fill out the form below to register and select the shift(s) and the type of position you would like to work. We try to accommodate all of our volunteers but reserve the right to assign you to different positions, if needed, in order to ensure the event runs smoothly. Volunteer positions will be assigned based on the need for the shift(s) you selected.
All volunteers will receive a MoNASP 2025 T-shirt and lunch. Chairs will be provided at all volunteer stations. Volunteers younger than 16 should be accompanied by an adult. Additional information will be sent to volunteers prior to the event. Please use the comments field on the online registration form to list any special requests that you may have.
Volunteer Positions:
- Door Attendants (inside)– 6-8 needed per shift– These individuals must be assertive
because they will stand at the entries to the archery ranges, checking to make sure spectators have their entry wristbands. This is a busy station so volunteers may be standing for a period of time.
- Competitor Welcome– 3-4 needed per shift– These individuals will welcome student competitors, stamp their hands, and give them their participant bags. This is a busy station so volunteers may be standing for a period of time.
- Raffle Ticket Sales/First Aid/Lost & Found– 2 needed per shift– Volunteers will assist MCHF staff with Raffle Ticket Sales and assist event guests with their emergencies as needed, safekeeping found items until claimed, activating lost notifications. These volunteers sit during most of their shift.
- Floaters / Runners– 2 needed per shift– These individuals will fill in for other volunteers and run errands as needed.
- Volunteer Check-In – 1 needed per shift – These individuals will help volunteers check in, distribute t-shirts, lanyards, water and escort them to their station. They may also be asked to fill in for volunteers who cancel or are unable to complete their shift. Volunteers will sit and walk during their shift.
- Ticket Sales – 6-9 needed per shift– These volunteers will be selling entry wristbands so they must be able to handle money and run credit cards using the Square. This is a fast-paced volunteer station so individuals may be standing for a period of time.
- Coaches’ Check-In – 2 needed per shift – These volunteers will help check coaches in, handle money and potentially use the tournament computer system. These volunteers are able to sit during most of their shift.
Thank you so much for your consideration!