MCHF welcomed three new members to its board at its February board meeting at Lake of the Ozarks. David W. Erickson of Columbia, earned a Master’s degree in wildlife management from Pennsylvania State University in 1977. In 2009, he retired after 33 years with the Department of Conservation. His first job with the Department of […]
Foundation Welcomes 3 New Board Members
Foundation Awards $40,000 for Projects
At its Board meeting at Lake of the Ozarks on February 25, the Missouri Conservation Heritage Foundation approved three projects benefiting conservation at an amount of $40,000. MCHF approved funding for the following: Missouri Elk Restoration The Foundation approved $35,000 for the Department of Conservation (MDC) for trapping, holding, relocating, testing and monitoring elk in […]
Foundation Provides More than $1.35 Million for Conservation in 2010
January 27, 2011—Just 30 minutes from St. Louis lies a terrain of sandstone canyons, gorgeous waterfalls, rich plant life, and a stream harboring more than 40 species of fish. This biological wonderland is the LaBarque Creek watershed in Jefferson County, where many conservation partners and landowners have come together to assure long-term protection and public […]
Missouri Welcomes Honduran Conservationists
In October 2010, MCHF helped the Mo. Dept. of Conservation’s Runge Conservation Nature Center host three guests from a Honduran after-school environmental education program. During their week-long visit to Missouri, the two teenagers and the executive director of Guaruma conservation education center studied glades and woodlands at Spring Creek Gap Conservation Area, spent a day […]
MCHF Executive Vice President Rick Thom Receives Award from NAA
On October 28, 2010, at the 37th Annual Natural Areas Conference held in Missouri at Tan-Tar-A Resort, Rick Thom received the Natural Area Association’s highest honor, the George B. Fell Award. The NAA awards the George B. Fell Award to an individual who exhibits the highest qualities of the natural areas profession and who has […]
Centennial Celebrated For Vann School
On September 10, 2010, local residents celebrated the Vann School Centennial at the Twin Pines Conservation Education Center with an ice cream social and music by the Bressler Brothers Quartet, pictured above. For the final song of the evening, the Bresslers moved out to the schoolhouse where Andy Bressler once taught 24 students. Officially named […]
ADA-Compliant Archery Range Completed at Twin Pines
On Friday September 10, 2010, a ribbon cutting ceremony was held at the Twin Pines Conservation Education Center, Winona, for the recently completed Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)-compliant improvements to the archery range located on the grounds at Twin Pines. On hand for the ceremony were local NWTF Current River Caller Chapter committee members Troy […]
Missouri Conservation Heritage Foundation Board Awards More than $44,000 to Conservation Projects
At their August 26, 2010 meeting in Jefferson City, the Missouri Conservation Heritage Foundation board of directors approved $44,470 in funding to nine grant projects benefiting conservation or outdoor recreation. The grants are from the Foundation’s Missouri Department of Conservation Partnership Grant Program. These projects leverage an additional $129,171 in matching funds and/or in-kind labor […]
Twin Pines Receives Donation from Missouri Forest Heritage Board of Trustees
The Board of Trustees for the Missouri Forest Heritage Center, Inc. (MFHC) voted to dissolve the corporation and donate the remaining funds to the education center they envisioned more than two decades ago. On August 18, 2010, Jerry J. Presley, former director of the Missouri Department of Conservation and MFHC President, made a donation of […]
MCHF Supports Lincoln County Youth Hunting Clinics and Hunts
MCHF provided $600 to help offset costs of two youth hunting clinics and hunts in Lincoln County. On September 4, 2010, approximately 30 youth hunters, mentors, Hunter Education instructors and Missouri Department of Conservation staff participated in the first of these events, held in cooperation with the Cuivre River Wildlife Management Association. The association is […]
MCHF a Partner in the Grand River Grasslands
In 2008, MCHF contributed provided $10,000—capstone funding for the $100,000 John McPheeters Challenge to The Nature Conservancy for prairie management and restoration in the 70,000-acre Grand River Grasslands Conservation Opportunity Area. Learn about conservation progress in the area today>>
For Generations to Come
A donated conservation easement from Yale and Alicia Muhm—and nearly $50,000 from the Missouri Conservation Heritage Foundation—keeps more than 1,000 acres of forest and more than three miles of headwater streams intact in Warren County. The August 2010 issue of the Missouri Conservationist features the 2009 contributuion of Yale and Alicia Muhm, donated a conservation […]